Monday, May 28, 2012

Winter Window Unveiled!

Harold has been crazy-busy installing our new winter window- but it was definitely worth it!!
Makes it feel very warm & cosy when it's chilly outside!
Our version of log cabin chic!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I have shot away for the weekend to glorious Melbourne to find some amazing new things for the store! Stay tuned for what I find!!
... Wish me luck! (ha!)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So much stock... So little blogs!!

Sorry for the absence in the last week.
It has been crazy busy with Mothers Day, Saturday afternoon had me thinking if it was possible to wrap another present! Hopefully there were many happy mums out there on Sunday! I'm sure there would have been! (p.s- there are some very well trained husbands!!)
After the clean out from Mothers Day, lots of new goodies have thankfully arrived already this week!! Lots of photos to share with you!
Am off to Melbourne this weekend to find even more beautiful things- have had a sneak peak at some new releases and let me tell you- A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
Ok.. Enough rambling... Pictures roll...